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Why Is Social Media Marketing Company Important For Your Business?


“I use social media as an idea generator, trend mapper, and strategic compass for all of our online business ventures.” – Paul Barron

Did you know that 97% of marketers use social media? According to a study conducted by Forbes, 78% of salespeople outsell their peers by using social media marketing. The best part is that its benefits are not just increased sales.

On the other side, not many businesses are aware of the marketing powerhouse that social media marketing is. As a matter of fact 50% of small businesses aren’t using social media marketing services. This makes us sad and that's why we want to talk about the importance of social media marketing company for your business.

Importance Of Social Media Marketing Company:Create Brand Awareness:

Creating brand awareness is the aim for all businesses. The reason behind this is because customers buy from a brand that they recognize. Luckily, social media allows for easy and effective brand building. Social media gets a benefit over traditional media as it instantly gets your brand in front of the audience.

Provide Exceptional Customer Service To Keep Your Followers:

Followers and Customers prefer companies handling their requests through social media. Some of the best social media marketing companies in Dubai use social media services for immediate interaction and customer feedback. Plus businesses use these mediums to reply instantly. Thus having a social media strategy is extremely important.

A tip from the social media marketing company in Dubai is to maintain good communication between social media managers and customer service if they're two different teams. This way your teams don't get tangled up when providing customer service.

Build Customer Loyalty For FREE!:

There's nothing better for your business than creating customer loyalty for free! The best social media marketing company in Dubai agrees that 53% of customers who follow your business are likely to be loyal to you. It is a direct correlation: if a customer follows you then they are more likely to opt for you than the competition. Furthermore, loyal customers bring in more traffic.

Tips To Increase Brand Loyalty:

  • Offer promo codes for discounts while remaining mindful of Facebook’s promotional content guidelines.
  • Ask open-ended questions to your audience.
  • Giveaway inexpensive stuff stickers, patches, shirts, sunglasses, lanyards, hats.

It's FREE! Well Mostly:

That’s right! Social Media Marketing is mostly free that's why some of the Best social media marketing companies in Dubai recommend it for both small scale businesses and multinational corporations.

It's free to generate and post organic content. For many businesses that itself is enough as the quality of the content may promote it on its own. However, if someone wishes to go the extra mile and promote their content further then paying for promotions and running advertisements is the way.

Businesses can be promoted on Facebook for any budget. The same goes for Twitter. Both these platforms direct your advertisements towards users who are interested in what you're selling.


All businesses need to do is set a budget, or choose to contact the Social media marketing company in Dubai. This in return will get them a huge ROI or Return On Investment by using the marketing budget in an effective manner.